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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  September 29, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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"media buzz." we'll continue our conversation online and on our home page. thanks for watching. and a fox news alert, everybody. our big story is the potential government shutdown, but before we get there, if you like space and you follow it, take a look at your screen. this is vandenberg air force base but this is a private space flight. a rocket that's about to go off. we'll tell you more about space x, but listen. >> three, two, one. liftoff. move to section 10.59.
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>> first days active. >> has data. >> the vehicle remains, altitude 5.8. the vehicle is supersonic. >> good telemetry, good power health. >> vehicle is testing through
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maximum aerodynamic pressure. >> well, it's from space, so it's going to come in and out, but ha that is streaming right and you watched it live. a liftoff of a private, upgraded jet by spacex that's the company out of the vandenberg air force base. we'll keep you posted on how it does. it's carrying a weather satellite. there's lots of potential for space flight and private space flight in the future. but, of course, this fox
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news alert because we're keeping a close eye on what's happening in washington. there's less than 36 hours now to go until possibly the first government shutdown we could see in nearly two decades. and at this point the ball is back in the court of the senate. the house republicans, they worked overnight to pass a temporary spending bill to keep washington running, but they also want to delay obama care for another year. welcome, everyone, to a brand new hour of america's news headquarters. >> after weeks of negotiations, allegations of hostage taking, blackmail, extortion, and more fierce, unforgiving rhetoric, congress is back at the starting point. you know, there's no compromise today to fund the government and to deal with the implementation of obama care. now with the latest house plan headed to the senate, congressman kevin mccarthy of california says the president and the democrats need to negotiate. >> the president was out
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golfing, the senators went home, we were here working to 1:00 a.m. to make sure we didn't shut the government down. and the difference here is you just listened to the president talk to the president of iran, talk to putin, but won't sit here and talk to the representatives of the american people they elect to come through and deal with this problem. >> president obama says he will not negotiate. he spent four hours on the links yesterday, and it appear that is a showdown will probably happen tomorrow night. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is live with the very latest from capitol hill. hi, mike. >> reporter: good afternoon, eric. it is very quiet here on capitol hill some 36 hours after a possible government shutdown. in fact, the united states senate is not due to return until about 26 hours from now, tomorrow afternoon. senate democratic leaders have said they will reject the plan passed by the house late last night that would fund the government, delay obama care, and get rid of the medical device tax that's part of the health care law. well, the house gop whip, kevin
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mccarthy, on fox news sunday said after that happens in the senate, the house will take action again. >> this is not a place to negotiate, but i will promise you this. we will pass a bill, if the senate does what you think they will do, that will keep the government open, that will reflect the house that i believe the senate can accept, that will have fundamental changes into obama care that can protect the economy for america. >> top senate democrats say they fear a government shutdown is likely at this point. they continue blasting the tea party for its focus on going after the president's health care law. a leading senate democrat was asked this morning about the idea of repealing that tax on devices such as wheelchairs. >> i support taking a look at the medical device tax. keep in mind though that we anticipate millions of more patients using medical devices with some profit associated with it to the medical device companies. that's why the tax is there.
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but i'm willing to look at that, but not with a gun to my head. >> reporter: so the next play at some point tomorrow afternoon we expect the senate will reject the house-passed bill. then it's the house's time to act. they say they're going to go after the president's health care law again. expect some ping-ponging of bills as the clock is running out. >> that clock is ticking and the pressure is on. thanks, mike. >> and this has happened before and it can happen again. so let's take a closer look at the real impact if there's a government shutdown. failing to reach that budget deal before tuesday could have far-reaching consequences for millions of americans. and steve san tan ni joins me live from washington taking a look at that. >> hi, jamie. as the center of government activity, washington, d.c.'s bracing itself for the biggest impact from a possible government shutdown but the effects will be felt across the country. if the shutdown happens, the
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nation's 401 national parks would be shut down, you won't be able to apply for a passport, excuse me, and applications already in the works could be delays, and first time home buyers would find they can't apply for a mortgage or the process would be delayed. the shutdown would not affect certain other things. social security and medicare checks would continue to go out on time. post offices would continue operating, and active duty military would continue on their jobs. democrats are using this threat of a shutdown as a political tool to hammer republicans and claim the shutdown will be costly and risky. >> the impact of a government shutdown will be hundreds of thousands of federal employees making far less than we do here in congress immediately and indefinitely furloughed negatively impacting them personally but also sending a ripple effect throughout the economy. >> the 800,000 federal workers will be the victims of this republican shutdown strategy, but even more important, it hurts our economy. for goodness sakes, we're just
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starting to recover and create jobs. >> other government functions impacted would be federal research facilities, the smithsonian museums here in washington, d.c., and white house and congressional offices. the impacts could be felt tuesday morning unless some kind of bargain is struck in the meantime. jamie? >> and bargaining we will hope they do. thanks so much, steve. for more on this let's turn to republican congressman peter king, a member of the house financial services committee. congressman, good morning. >> good morning, jamie. >> let me start by asking what you the last couple days have been like. >> they've really made no sense. from the start i thought it was wrong to pursue this policy of threatening to shut the government down over defunding obama care. i have gone along with the votes up until now because i know that john boehner is not wanting to shut the government down and i was assured this was a process to keep the government open. now we're down to the last 24 or 48 hours and it seems we're closer than ever to the government shutting down.
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to me i think harry reid should accept the proposal. if he doesn't i don't want the government to shut down and i don't see how i can vote again to any more amending to obama care. there's too many innocent people involved here. we have too many people in our party, it's a minority, who are following ted cruz and tying up the entire republican party. the overwhelming majority of house members would vote to keep the government open. i'm tired of having ted cruz call the shots for the house republicans. >> i was kind of surprised when he talked that whole time that he didn't just read the bill into the record. something that the american people might have watched and then learned what obama care actually meant for them. as someone that's on the financial services committee, do you have an accurate sense of what obama care would cost now and if delaying it for a year would really put this country more on track economically? >> no. we're not sure of what the consequences are going to be but we're very concern they're going to be bad consequences. there's so many right now full-time employees who will be
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knocked back to part-time. we have so many businesses and companies that have come to us and told us the tremendous economic impact it's going to have. so i am totally opposed to obama care, but to bring it up at the last minute the way ted cruz has done, we should have been negotiating for the last several weeks on changes we wanted to make to obama care like in the medical device tax. i think we could have gotten that approved if that had been part of a negotiation but because of ted cruz it was all or nothing. it was defund obama care or shut the government down and we were locked into that. now we're into the final 36 hours and we have people in our party who live in their own echo chamber. they think everyone wants this done. most people like in my district are totally opposed to obama care but they don't want the government shut down. we have to show we can be a governing party and not just responding to small factions. >> what options do your constituents who need obama care have? >> what they want us to do is pass legislation that would target, for instance, younger people who can't afford
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insurance, people with pre-existing illnesses, people who are moving from one job to the other, but not have this large government -- in effect government-run program the way it's going to be with all the exchanges. i know the private sector is involved. as a practical matter it will be the federal government calling the shots in the end. they're worried about that and they want us to make changes in obama care. obviously repeal it and start over, but providing for those who do have particular needs. younger people who can't afford their own insurance, people with pre-existing conditions, and people who are going from job to job, in between jobs. >> but the president on friday when he spoke about it said republicans are creating this delay. republicans will be responsible for this shutdown. in the past you have complimented him on certain things and you have criticized him on certain things. what about his position on this where he says the exchanges will open regardless and he wants republicans to not interfere with something he says is the law, obama care. >> well, i don't think we should be doing it at this stage, not
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at the last minute, not by threatening to withhold government funds. if it was passed by both houses, signed by the president, affirmed by the supreme court, and ratified in an election, we should repeal it the same way. pass legislation, not do it at the last minute. everybody, whether it's karl rove, "the wall street journal," george will, a list of prominent republicans who care about the party say this is the wrong path to follow. the republican leadership said it was the wrong path to follow until two weeks ago when the small faction in our conference threatened to withhold our votes unless this suicidal path was followed. there's people in our party in the house, the ted cruz of the senate, who are doing tremendous damage to the republican party, to the congress, to the government, and to the american people. >> congressman peter king joining us live this morning and now at noon. thank you so much, sir. have a great sunday. >> thank you, jamie. >> eric? politics isn't the only place that's getting a battering where it's turbulent. there was a powerful storm now hurting folks in the northwest.
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strong winds and heavy rain have downed trees and power lines there. flash floods possible in some areas throughout the rest of this sunday. janice dean is live in the fox weather center with the very latest on what's going on out there. >> hi, eric. unfortunately, they've been dealing with storm after storm across the region and this is the latest in the storm that came from the gulf of alaska. bringing not only heavy rain but wind gusts in excess of 70 to 80 miles per hour and even some mountain snow. so there's the latest satellite radar over the last six hours. rain moving into the northwest down into northern california, even into idaho. some cases we could see two to four, even six inches-plus of more rainfall the next 12 to 24 hours. you look at your forecast satellite radar imagery heading into tomorrow, even into monday and tuesday we're still looking at wet weather, and look at some of the forecast totals even into monday. we're talking about four to six inches of rain.
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again, in all of these areas moving into the rockies. that's going to cause some big problems and power outages as you mentioned around the seattle, washington, area. sunday really just a nasty day today. monday is going to be pretty bad as well. tuesday, 70% chance of showers and/or thunderstorms and then we'll start to improve but the next several days in this region really going to be trying as this is very powerful system that's going to move in and cause some problems. eric, back to you. >> tough out in the pacific northwest. thanks so much. jamie? there's a major car safety push under way as families sue the federal government demanding new standards that they say will have to save the lives of their children. and following a historic phone call between president obama and the president of iran. the white house says an even more historic deal may be within reach. our next guest questions though whether iran is serious about giving up its alleged pursuit of a nuclear weapon. [ sneezes, coughs ]
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absolutely not. is there a lot of worry building up around a daily problem? well ladies, now there's big news in controlling your overactive bladder symptoms. thinking less about them with new oxytrol for women. it's a patch. the first and only over the counter treatment for overactive bladder. it's good to know how to put the control back in your go. new oxytrol for women. now over the counter in the feminine care aisle. visit to learn more.
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welcome back, everybody. there's a new report that the feds are spying on americans using social media. "the new york times" is reporting that the national security agency or nsa has been collecting data to map out social connections for nearly three years. the newspaper says the feds are tracking those social connections allowing the government to identify some americans' associates, their locations at certain times, their traveling companions, and other personal information. the nsa did not comment on what phone logs and databases they're using, but facebook and even voter registration information are said to be a part of the nsa's sweep. we're not seeking nuclear weapons, so we're not six months, six years, 60 years away from nuclear weapons. we do not want nuclear weapons. we believe they are detrimental to our security. >> that is iran's prime minister
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this morning. again claiming iran does not want a nuclear bomb. he had the iranian delegation in geneva in three weeks when negotiations with the u.s. and five world powers are set to begin on iran's disputed nuclear program. he says he hopes to have a deal finished within one year. but there are warnings and words of caution from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu when he left for the airport in tel aviv to come to new york arriving in new york later today. he will go to the white house tomorrow and address the united nations on tuesday, and he is blunt saying, quote, he's going to tell the truth in the face of sweet talk and the onslaught of smiles, adding he will talk facts. walid farris is the middle east expert. it was a week of denial by the iranians, we don't want to bomb, we don't want to bomb. will mr. netanyahu say, no, the facts are they do want a woman? >> well, look the iranians,
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depending which iranians, those who have the mission to engage us, talk to american tv, international tv, are saying we don't want the bomb but those back in the iranian regime beginning with the supreme guide of the revolution and the le leaders, what are their narrative? their narrative is nobody has a right to take away our right for a nuclear bomb. so they keep a little room there for once they achieve their goal. the real goal is not the bomb, it's the missiles t to deliver bomb. they will have established the missile power that's very important for them and then they could surprise us as pakistan and india did in 1999. >> they say it's against their religion and their edicts to have a nuclear bomb. >> well, there is nothing in the koran and anything has to do with -- religion was born some 1,300 years ago there, was no bombs there.
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this is if you buy the iranian leadership and edict effective. they could say israel has bombs and therefore we need to defend ourselves. >> that was what we heard from hassan rouhani. but look what lindsey graham tweeted. he said the iranian foreign minister flat out lied when he claimed the iranians have never been pursuing a nuclear weapon. what is the proof and the evidence? there was reports that they had some type of cone that's made of a metal that could only be used in a nuclear bomb? >> look, many experts have been telling us, and i agree with that opinion, that you do not build a fleet of long-range nifls, long-range missiles to have some tnt, so the explosive, does not make sense unless you are also planning to build a nuclear, chemical power. yes, there are components the
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iranians have been trying to put together. if you ask me, i would say they don't want to put the bomb now because they don't have the muscle fleet ready. they will only go fast after we believe they're not going in that direction. very smart maneuver. >> what do they have to do to show the world from their point of view they don't want a nuclear weapon. rouhani was asked will you open your if silts and he did not say yes. let's take a look at some of the demands the security council and the u.s. want them to stop uranium enrichment, stop plutonium production, ship stockpiles out of the country. close underground facilities and have full cooperation with u.n. inspectors. why don't they just say, okay, we'll do that right now and, you know, what's to negotiate if you intend to do if? >> that's the big difference between what was khrushchev during the cold war and the
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reformer gorbachev. khrushchev said we want peace, we want peace. the reality was gorbachev said this is how i'm going to dismandle the apparatus of the soviet union. in iran you have talks of we're going to dismantile the nuclear bo bomb, but every time we come up with a condition, they say we will discuss it in geneva. they are trying to gain time. >> benjamin netanyahu will lay out his case to the world, a different case than what we've heard this past week. walid farris, thank you so much for your insight. >> thank you, sir. >> not only the potential for a government shutdown this week. we're talking about millions of americans will be required to sign up for health insurance under obama care. will the new online marketplaces, the so-called exchanges, be up and running in time? the president says they have to
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be so what you need to know before tuesday. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™.
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well, tick tock, countdown to obama care. the next phase of the affordable care act set to roll out tuesday, october 1st. the president says regardless of how the spending battle plays out in washington, health care exchanges will open for millions of uninsured americans but are the exchanges ready for prime time. jamie, thanks for joining us. what will the exchanges have to be prepared to do on tuesday? >> on tuesday is when they open and americans who don't have health insurance through their employer can go online and start searching and comparing the insurance companies and premiums that offer plans in their state or in the case if they're part
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of the federal exchange program which covers 36 states, the federal program that offers -- the programs offered in their state. that's supposed to happen on tuesday. as early as ten days ago -- as late as ten days ago, there was a glitch in the program where they weren't properly calculating the subsidies for consumers. and this is just one of several glitches both in the federal exchanges and in the state exchanges that could appear and have appeared in testing. so these exchanges may not be fully price ly operational in t there's no glitches when they open out on tuesday. >> can they roll out no matter what happens with the budget battle and whether or not obama care gets delayed? for a lot of people it doesn't make any sense. >> yes, because these are part of mandatory spending. unless there is a bill that was specifically defunding obama care that passed the house and senate and was signed by the president, the exchanges will go on because this was part of mandatory spending when it was passed.
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it's not subject to the cr, the congressional resolution, that was currently trying to pass right now in the senate to fund the government. so unless there's a specific provision to defund this, this will go on even if there's a government shutdown because that money has already been appropriated and it does not subject to yearly appropriation bills unless it's specifically defunded. so no matter what, even in a government shutdown, these exchanges will go on. >> so what the president says is accurate, it can go ahead. what about the people responsible for it? because we know that for those who don't abide by what is mandatory, it's the internal revenue service that's going to have to actual ly be keeping an eye on folks, see they do it, imposing penalties, but also some of the penalties for people who have to go ahead and buy insurance are so low that it's being predicted that they won't go ahead and buy the insurance and they'd rather just pay the penalty. could that happen? >> yes, that absolutely could
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happen. this is the interesting aspect. there's a big fight raging on capitol hill by republicans should they try to ge fund obama care or delay obama care. the real crux of the problem could be the implementation itself. they need young and healthy people to sign up for the exchanges in order to subsidize the sick and old. if they think the penalty is worth traying because the premiums are too high and they don't need health care or at least the insurance because they believe they're healthy, this whole he can change could collapse. then premiums will sigh rocket if it's just full of the sick and elderly. it's important that young and healthy people sign up. that's why they've reached out to hollywood and sports celebrities to try to pump up this program. they need young people. that is the crux of this program. >> before i let you go, from political standpoint, if, in fact, the exchanges open and
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there's glitch after glitch or even just a few significant ones, what's the implications for the administration and their push, push, push to say we have to go ahead with this? >> well, it's going to look bad, and, of course, the administration is saying this is a very complex system. of course there's going to be some glitches but we're going to work ahead and these things will be ironed out as the time goes on. it's interesting to wonder if instead of the defund obama care push there was an argument made for delay than just this morning, whether they could have pushed the administration through public pressure to delay it because of the glitches. but right now it looks like these are going to come into play and we'll see what the public thinks, if they see a lot of glitches when they're trying to sign up for the health care. >> that's some count down tomorrow and then tuesday to have that and the possible closing of the government at the same time, it's just incredible. thanks for weighing in today, jamie. always good to see you. >> good to see you as well. >> thank you.
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jamie, you hear about these accidents all too often. someone backs out of a driveway and accidentally hits or even kills a child. now there's a brand new legal push demanding federal action to help prevent backover accidents. several groups now suing the u.s. department of transportation. they want the agency to issue final rules that would set rear visibility standards in our cars, suvs, and mini vance, including the use of rear-view cameras. brian is live in fox central with the latest on this really important issue. >> reporter: one of those parents who filed a lawsuit against the department of transportation on wednesday is susan from man has sat, new york. in 2005 she hit and injured her 3-year-old daughter, kate, while backing out of her driveway. >> i ultimately hit her with the car but was able to hear her scream and stopped the car, pulled forward, came back, and found what i thought might be someone else's child lying on the driveway. she was bleeding literally from
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head to toe-her face was bleeding, her clothing was torn. she was screaming and asking me why i hit her with the car. i said to her, kate, i didn't see you. i didn't know you were there. it was that simple. i just didn't see her. >> luxurckilyluckily, kate suff life-threatening injuries. now her mother is a safety advocate for kids and she's part of a group suing the d.o.t. for not passing regulation that requires new cars to have improved rear view visibility, specifically with rear-view cameras by 2011. more than two years and four delays later, the d.o.t. has yet to issue the safety rule. >> congress directed the department of transportation to issue a regulation so that there's a scarrtandard for all vehicles so all drivers, everyone should be able to see when they're backing up.
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safety shouldn't be an option. >> 292 people are killed a year by cars backing up. 18,000 are injured. 44% of the deaths are kids under the age of 5. the d.o.t. declined to comment. the lawsuit asked the d.o.t. to issue the rule within t90 days. >> those numbers are so tragic. >> history is coming to life for some lucky students in new york. more than 400 years ago henry hudson sailed from lower manhattan to the state capital albany and every september a full-scale replica of his ship "half moon requesti" real voyag. we have more from verplank, new york. >> reporter: in september of 1609, henry hudson sailed his "half moon" past the glacial cliffs of the palisades.
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part of what you're doing is teaching kids the adventure of the hudson river. >> absolutely. you know, a lot of these students live within half a mile of the river but have never been out on it. >> reporter: in 2013, chip reynolds captains a replica of the "half moon" as a teaching ves sel for middle school kids. each year in mid-september he makes a voyage from lower manhattan to albany. it's the exact route henry hudson took along an unexplored waterway that would eventually bear his name. hudson was an adventurer but he was also a business man with the dutch east india company. >> we had to document everything precisely for trading purposes. for example, making the happens, you can take the maps he made from 1609 and lay them against maps today and they're almost precisely the same. >> like hudson's crew, reynolds' kids say about is -- stay busy.
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reynolds says he not only tries to recreate the tasks of the original voyage, but also its wonder. >> all the new foods, meeting new people, making new friends, learning new things. >> i never sailed a boat before, and now i have. >> reporter: the captain is now trying to expand the educational experience with a learning center on the banks of the hudson which he says will hopefully reach more and more students. >> our waterways made our country what it is today. how important is it for us to stay connected to rivers like the hudson river? >> well, the past and present are intimately connected. through the past we can see how important these rivers were then and remind ourselves about how important they are today. >> reporter: he says anyone who agrees it's important to learn more about the hudson river both in the past and present can go
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to and contribute to his efforts. douglas kennedy, fox news. back in 1609, they didn't have to worry about a government shutdown or the taxes or any of that stuff. well, it does seem like the government shutdown now in 2013 could happen tomorrow night. there are no negotiations set, no way apparently to avoid it. who will get hurt? what will it mean? and how long could it last? that will be one thing our political panel will weigh on next. researchers are creating a device that could revolutionize our sleep. we'll tell you about a new high-tech sleep mask. that's next. i love having a free checked bag
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with the best analysis. join me for "the kelly file" week nights at 9:00. welcome back, everybody. new reports that kenya was warned actually before the mall massacre in nairobi. newspapers are citing a leaked intelligence report that says cabinet members and the army chief received information about a plan to carry out a major terrorist attack. islamist terrorists from the somali group al shabaab armed with automatic weapons and grenades stormed the mall last weeke weekend. it lasted four days and tragically left at least 67 dead. the west gate mall is very popular with ex-pats and wealthy kenyans and it's partly owned by israelis. it's long been considered a prime target for potential attacks, but new information that there was notice at least according to that report.
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back here at home, it seems the government shutdown is fast approaching, and it looks almost certain that the government will shut down tomorrow night. the latest republican proposal funds the government but delays the implementation of the president's health care law. democrats in the white house though reject that plan outright, and neither side, the republicans nor the democrats, seem to be willing to budge. so what happens? chris kofinis is a former chief of staff to joe manchin of west virginia. tammy, first question, someone has got to blink. who will do that? >> you know, i think it may have already happened. i predict the republicans will blink. on, the headline story now is that the house is already telling the senate and pretty much telling everyone that if the senate kills this second pass they've done to defund obama care, they have another option which is to stop the subsidies to the congressional aides. now, what that will put the
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senate in the position of doing is whether or not they're willing to shutdown the government over an end of subsidies to their aides who effectively wrote this bill, and i don't think that that would go over very well with the american people, and i think that that's the republican gambit here. >> chris, that throws the tennis ball over to the senate democrats. what do they do? >> i'm not sure it really does. right now if you look at both the politics and the message dynamics of all this, the republicans have really created a mess for themselves. you know, if you look at poll after poll, the idea of shutting down the government to delay or repeal or obstruct, whatever you want to describe it, the president's health care plan,ed at affordable care act, doesn't make sense to the american people. the republicans are in a bad spot when they keep playing this ping-pong type of policy negotiations when everyone is saying doesn't it make sense just to pass a clean cr, move on to the bigger issues that we have at hand? if they keep playing this game,
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all they end up doing is losing politically and politically. >> the white house and the democrats blame the republicans saying it's reckless and irresponsible, but just a moment ago speaker boehner came out with a news release demanding that the senate act today, not wait like harry reid wants. the speaker says if the senate stalls until monday afternoon instead of working today it would be a, quote, act of breathtaking arrogance by the senate democratic leadership. i call on the democratic leaders of the senate to act today on the measure passed by the house last night. mr. bain ser soehner is saying guys' fault in the senate. >> i think all of us can agree the fact that has to be said on sunday that they waited less than a week before they knew -- this is both sides. wait to within a week when they knew that this deadline was coming up. they knew obama care was an issue. they knew that the economy was an issue. the fact that all of them have waited so long until there is
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this crisis that apparently none of them want to have go to waste. the fact of the matter is a shutdown, it really is just a slowdown. it is not that the -- the hysteria surrounding this has been fascinating because everyone points to the 1995-'96 newt gingrich shutdown where do you know what happened in '96? the republicans gained two senate seats. and they maintained control of the house. it's not necessarily so bad. reagan had two in the october before his re-election in 1984 which was, of course, a landslide. so even if it happens, which i don't think it will, it's not necessarily a bad thing for the republicans to say the least. >> i'm expecting you to jump in and say you know what else happened in 1996? bill clinton won. >> he was re-elected. >> well, i mean, yeah. the political consequences for the republican party here if the government shuts down will be catastrophic. karl rove -- this is not an exaggeration. >> a big word. >> it is reality. when karl rove and democrats are
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agreeing, i think there is a moment of clarity. there is political consequences that come from something that looks so brazen and out of touch. now -- >> like obama care? >> well, you know, i hate to say it. i know the republicans can't confront reality, but it's the law. it was -- >> see, this is -- >> it was basically confirmed by the supreme court. i'm not sure what you want to negotiate or relitigate. >> we have historically what we know. everybody was pretty much re-elected in 1996. i think what the american people are tired of are these games. >> all right. >> they're tired of the games. >> but i hate to burst your bubble. the games are played by a party that continues to negotiate -- >> both parties. >> -- with threats. >> both parties. >> no. the republicans are the ones -- >> we have to shut down because we have the clock so that's definitely shutting us down. there's the debate right there. we'll see what happens. the big question is not just the shutdown but how do they open it back up? tammy and chris, thanks so much for joining us. >> thanks. >> from shutdown potentially to
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shut eye. it's not your grandmother's sleep mask. there's a high-tech, new device that some say could revolutionize sleep and end dependence on sleeping pills. wee like that. we'll be right back. i want peacocks. peacocks? walking the grounds. in tuscany. [ man ] her parents didn't expect her dreams to be so ambitious. italy? oh, that's not good. [ man ] by exploring their options, they learned that instead of going to italy, they could use a home equity loan to renovate their yard and have a beautiful wedding right here while possibly increasing the value of their home. you and roger could get married in our backyard. it's robert, dad. [ female announcer ] come in to find the right credit options for your needs. because when people talk, great things happen.
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s. >> seems like everybody is looking for a better night's sleep. a california company knows that. they took what they could from sleep studies and put it into a sleep mask. the mission is to help american soldiers get ready for action. dominic is live from lange -- live from los angeles. interesting twist. >> there certainly is and who doesn't appreciate a good night's sleep. this is from carlsbad, california main monitoring company. it looks at whether we are getting good rest and gives american combat troops better sleep so they combine stay in the fight longer. listen. they call it a sleep profiler. >> what it consists of is electrodes. >> reporter: he is a sleep disorder expert who helped designed the monitor. it records body signals while lying in bed. >> the sound and and head movement could be
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used to identify little brief physiological arouse sals or what we call. autonomic arouse sals in conjunction with the brain wave arouse sals. >> it tells it is continuous rest throughout the night. >> many people wake up inter miss tently, but string together the wake ups and think they are together continuously because they are thinking in between. we call that a sleep miss perception. >> your doctor can work out if you have insomnia or a different condition that wakes you up. here is the next step in sleep technology. it is an insomnia heat mask. it drops out faster and places you in the right sleep stage and uses blue light to ensure the user wakes up alert. the u.s. military helps fund it as it wants to avoid the groggy affect of sleep meds and helps them take power naps
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to keep them in the fight longer. >> if your base is being attacked you need to wake up and fight back immediately. you don't have the time to be groggy and you have to be ready to go and fight the threat that is out there. >> the sleep mask is in development, but the profiler is already out there and needs to be prescribed by the doctor. go to advanced brain monitoring for more. back to you. >> sounds promise -- promising. back to you. >> the house is sending a bill to funneled the -- fund the government, but de fund obamacare. senator ted cruz will fill foxfm in.
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i am not concerned about whether people are criticizing or praising what i have done. what i am concerned about is are we fixing the problem? >> republican senator ted cruz says he is not grandstanding, but standing on principals against obamacare. with the government on the brink of a shutdown he is facing criticism that he is dividing the republican party and weakening the gop position in this funding battle. cruz says it is time for gop senators to, quote, come home. ahead in this hour, my one on one with the senator and a house republican who says the senator's approach is all wrong. and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is heading


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